Romans 1:16 "For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek." (NASB)
The “Gospel” or good news of Jesus Christ is the object of Paul’s words of which he is "Not ashamed" to testify. In context it is actually quite a statement because Paul has been persecuted for his faith in many places and many ways. Persecution for Paul included jail and attempts on his life; people hated him and his message. To be bold and unashamed in the face of this opposition is significant. In comparison, what do we put at risk? Someone might think we’re odd or a fanatic but few would ever even call us out much less threaten us physically for our faith. We have it pretty easy but we fail to boldly proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ regularly.
Jesus has called me through faith into a relationship with Him. The truth is that I did not and do not live up to the standard of holiness God has established and as such I deserved the punishment of death or eternal separation from God. But, because Jesus died in my place paying the price for all of my sins I have been saved from the punishment I deserved. I have been given the free gift of eternal life with God and for that I am grateful. Grateful enough today to share it with you! AMEN!