Hebrews 4:16 “Therefore let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need”. (NASB)
My son is away at school an upper class-man at Fresno State and on track to graduate in four years. I am blessed by his diligence toward his schooling as he continually gets high marks. I am likewise blessed that he has found employment with a company that has turned into more than summertime work. He has continued to work through the fall semester and has now started back during the spring. In addition, the work is in his field of study so at least the work experience will qualify him upon graduation for full time employment somewhere. At best, the company he works for may want him permanently.
All those remarks on our blessings are to set the premise for our suffering. His work requires him to travel half an hour to and from the yard where he can pick up his company truck. That extra wear and tear has taken its toll and we have recently found ourselves with unexpected repair bills. Front end, tires, starter and flywheel, tune up, towing and now a catalytic converter add up to thousands of dollars we hadn’t planned on spending.
What to do, what to do? As I write the BLOG today this is what’s on my mind and I have to turn back to Scripture to remind me to pray. I have in Jesus a “Great high priest” Hebrews 4:14 who has walked among us and suffered all we have suffered and so much more. I also have to put in perspective my troubles with those of others facing much worse. I am so blessed yet find a situation for which I don’t have an easy answer. I need to give this one to the Lord and pray and think and yield to Him. I don’t need to panic or face despair or get angry; none of that will help.
Scripture says I should pray so pray I will. I won’t pray for the easy answer but I will pray for the revelation of His perfect will under these circumstances. If we are called to a season of doing without, well maybe that’s just what we need. What I do know is that God’s Word is true; when I draw near to the “Throne of Grace” I will “Receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need”. AMEN!