James 5:14-16 "Is anyone among you sick? Then he must call for the elders of the church and they are to pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord; and the prayer offered in faith will restore the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up, and if he has committed sins, they will be forgiven him. Therefore, confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another so that you may be healed. The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much". (NASB)
So as I was about to leave the new doctor’s office the PA said is there anything else? I said well, there is this lump in my throat. My old doc said it was probably acid reflux and to take Prilosec which you can just get over the counter now. So that’s what I’d been doing for the past six months. But since she asked – I went ahead and mentioned it.
She asked if I’d had an upper GI and I said I hadn’t so she thought that would be a good idea. She also thought an ultrasound of my thyroid would be a good idea since it’s in the same area and I do take thyroid medication. Well, I did that a couple of days later then I went off and did my marathon week of travel to Arizona. When I was at a gas station in Burbank filling up the rental car I got a call to check in with the Dr. and they wanted to have me come in. The next week on Wednesday at about as late as a Drs. Office is open I had my appointment and we went through all the other tests the PA had run.
We were about to part and I said “Hey, what about that ultrasound”? She said, “Oh yea”! She consulted her laptop computer. (She only uses a laptop computer – doesn’t write anything down at all – everything is in the computer – I like that) Anyway – she looks at the computer and starts reading. She reads for a L O N G T I M E. When she finally looks up she says well, “You have a ‘nodule’ on your thyroid”. “You actually have a very LARGE nodule on your thyroid”. Hmmm! So, “What does that mean” I said. She said "It's either a cyst or it's cancer". Well, how do you like that?
Now the interesting thing is they can’t do much more until I go off of my stinking thyroid medicine for four weeks. Then they’ll do a “Nuclear” test and that will show “Hot Spots” if there are any. Whatever that means. So, it’s a bit of a waiting game right now.
So this is a personal BLOG today. Why am I sharing? Well, you have been faithfully reading and as such I’m hoping you are also men and women of faith and men and women of prayer. I’m now asking for your prayers for me. I have asked the elders of our local church to follow the Biblical model shown above and pray for and anoint me in the service this Sunday. As I shared with them earlier today in an e-mail I don’t know how sick I am but I know that I am sick. I covet your prayers and a quick healing from the Lord and those He chooses to use with wisdom and skill.
In closing I would like to share an interesting perspective. While this has been taking shape over the last couple of weeks the company I work for has also announced a restructuring. I’ve been through those before and there is little risk my current job is in jeopardy so there is virtually no concern there. But, I do have some aspirations for a management position. I can tell you that with a health based life and death situation shaping up on one hand and a career change looming on the other the life and death one is the easier of the two. My eternity is secure. That’s the no brainer. AMEN!
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