Friday, December 17, 2010

2 Timothy 3:16-17 Inspired

2Timothy 3:16-17  “All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work.” (NASB)

Have you ever wondered why it is the Bible we turn to when we want to get our bearings?  Why is it that so much attention is paid to an ancient collection of hard words translated from foreign languages?

The Bible comments on itself and gives us insight as to how reliable it is and to what purpose it may be used.  This brief passage from 2 Timothy is one example rich in its insight.

The passage first references, “All Scripture”.  All Scripture includes the Old and New Testaments of our Bible.  Without going into detail and getting into a discussion of which I have only limited knowledge let me just say that godly men have worked through the writings included in our Bible to be certain they belong.  The “Canon” or complete collection is what we refer to as the Bible or Holy Bible.  This complete collection it is agreed meets the standard, “Inspired by God”.  Men wrote the Bible under the influence of the Holy Spirit.

The use of the phrase, “Inspired by God” comes from the Greek theopneustos.  (Theo = God, Pneustos = Breath)  It is interesting in that it could be translated, “God breathed”.  The truth shared here is that Scripture is God’s Word, what He says.

The passage goes on to talk about some of the benefits or uses of Scripture.  These include teaching, reproof, correction and training in righteousness.  The only hard word here is reproof which is a cousin of rebuke, convict, expose or reprimand.  The idea is a bit stronger than correction; it is the idea of proving the truth.

All this is for a purpose though.  The Bible isn’t here for us to beat people up with rather its purpose is shared in verse 17.  ”So that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work.”

So the purpose of all that teaching, reproving, correcting and training that Scripture enables is so that those who follow Christ will be useable.  Being useable makes us ready for the work we are called to accomplish.  We’ll look more at that later.

For now, are you equipped?  Time in the Word and under Biblical teaching promises that result.  AMEN!

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